City Slickers (1991)
Crystal funny?
9 April 2005
I have come to the painful conclusion that Billy Crystal is not funny. At least he is not funny when he tries to be funny. Actually I think he is a good actor, but he is just annoying when he is trying to be funny. I laughed at situations in this movie, but I did not laugh when Billy Crystal tried to crack jokes.

This movie was about a bunch of guys going through mid-life crises. They try to go on adventures to make their life exciting. I like that idea. I liked the scenes of running with the bulls in Spain. That seems like a romantic thing to do. I also liked that they end up going on a cattle drive, but the story really didn't go anywhere exciting. They deal with problems that really didn't excite me or interest me. I was really feeling bored at the end of the movie. I don't have Adult deficit disorder, but I was showing signs of it at the end of this movie. I was getting antsy, and I really didn't feel like paying attention to the movie. The ending was too boring and predictable.

The most amazing thing about this movie is that Jack Palance won a best Supporting Actor Oscar for his performance. How and Why? He was in the movie for about 5 minutes. How could he win? He played a cranky old cowboy that everyone is scared of, but I didn't feel it was convincing or worthy of an Oscar.
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