Review of Blind

Blind (2004 Video)
Try This Movie Again-Trust Me
4 April 2005
For those of you who have posted negative comments-please reconsider. For those of you who have not seen this-definitely give it a try. It is well worth the price of a rental.

My friend wrote and made this movie with his brother (two completely independent (i.e. broke) filmmakers) on virtually no budget and with only help and lots of favors from friends all being made at night and on weekends and a few vacation days all while everyone involved had full time jobs. It was a project that he put his heart and soul into for several years and it was his dream to get this movie made. Much beyond his dream of just getting it made, someone believed in him and picked it up for DVD.

However, I think it is a phenomenal movie. The writing is great and the movie is well developed. You have to pay attention, there are subtle clues that lead to the plot twist. I thought, even without knowing what tears and sweat went into the movie-it was every bit as good as any "real movie" I have seen.

Several people commented that there are no real actors-remember-this is an independent film...without a big company backing a movie, there is no budget for big actors, but the talent that is involved is fabulous.

Anyways, if you want to see a good movie-try it. If you just want to support someone who believed in himself when nobody else did and took a chance and lived out his dream-watch it.
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