Review of Living Life

Living Life (2004)
"Living Life": Dreadfully Painful
1 April 2005
While I was indeed impressed a 19 year old was able to pull of such a feat, the movie itself definitely reflects the maturity of a 19 year old. First and for most the movie reeks after-school special. The lines were cheesy, his sickness was unbelievable (showing impressive medical equipment isn't sufficient to make it medically accurate), the romantic chemistry was awkward and near absent, and the ending beyond predictable. The only redeeming qualities I felt the movie had was amazing cinematography and the actors that played the grandfather and friend (although the side plot with the friend's mom's boyfriend was nauseating and extremely unnecessary) were good (especially in light of the painful acting seen by the others in the movie). Overall I have a hard time truly respecting a script about an emotionally charged subject like cancer when the writer himself (at the Ballard High screening) admitted he'd had no personal experience with cancer, either himself or someone close to him.

I'm genuinely shocked to see the movie will be playing in a local Seattle theater. It was one thing entirely to screen in a high school auditorium (where I saw the film) and entirely other to expect people to pay to sit through the agony.

I know a number of people may disagree with me regarding "Living Life," however I feel it's only fair to potential viewers to share both sides of the spectrum.
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