THIS is considered one of the greatest comedies ever????
1 April 2005
Stan Laural and Oliver Hardy belong to a strange all-male organization called Sons of the Desert. They plan to attend an annual convention in Chicago. Unfortunately their loud, obnoxious, domineering wives won't let them go. So Hardy pretends he's sick and has to go to Honolulu (!!!) to recover with Laurel going with him. Instead they sneak off to Chicago...and things go wrong.

I have never seen a Laurel and Hardy film in my life so I decided to start with what is considered that best. THIS is their best???? I didn't laugh (or smile) once. I found the humor VERY dated, infantile and extremely violent. I'm not a fan of violent slapstick and that's primarily what this is. Also the sexual politics here are extremely dated with all the women portrayed as controlling witches.

I didn't even like Laurel and Hardy themselves! Their nonstop mugging got tiresome and I felt like hitting Laurel when he did that incredibly loud, whiny, unfunny "crying". Charley Chase was even WORSE as a "hilarious" prankster at the convention. However I do admit that Mae Busch did have some moments as Hardy's wife.

I realize there are people who love these two. Great! But I just don't like their type of comedy. I was bored and kept looking at my watch (and this movie is only 69 minutes!). I give this a 1.
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