Prepare to be confused....
28 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Allow me to start off by saying that Serial Experiments: Lain is not for everyone, this becomes apparent after the first or second episode. If you're a hard-core anime fan, looking for a deep intellectual thriller, or enjoy being freaked out, by all means watch this movie, otherwise don't put the popcorn in the microwave just yet.

Revovling heavily on confusing concepts and bizarre (but not dark) imagery, Lain sets itself in a world that is driven by "The Wired", an updated version of the internet. Lain the main character, discovers a classmate has killed herself and despite being dead, she is able to contact Lain and claim she is still alive - through "The Wired" her soul still exists. This does not alarm Lain, although it does intrigue her. In fact, almost all of the characters show little emotion or show it at the wrong times through the entire series (although this is explained at times).

Back to "The Wired" though, although it is merely a version of cyber-space, it is quickly growing into a reality of sorts, on the same plane as the real world itself. Lain is finding herself increasingly addicted to the Wired and grows a personality to accommodate for it, one far different from her plain self. Her family and friends aren't too concerned, often saying "What's wrong with Lain?" but never attempt to truly talk with her. It's almost as if in this not-too-distant-future, technology and the media have devolved human beings, making them shallow and not concerned with much beyond the basic pleasures of life.

This is where Lain starts off and I will not give away too much of the 13-part series, but it does later get into Lain's other personalities (or other people's perspectives on Lain), attempts at fusing "the Wired" with the real world, and Lain's encounter with "God". The opening theme couldn't be better but the series can get too confusing at points and sometimes boring, but the payoff is pretty big if you're willing to wait. Overall, I liked Lain but it is extremely confusing. Don't forget to grab an ice pack for your brain before viewing.
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