A fighter's soul explodes to destroy a masked enemy.
18 March 2005
I rate this as one of the greatest Kung-fu movies of all time. From a time when fight scenes weren't cut every 3 minutes by dialogue and comic relief was so bad it made you wince.

Dragon Peril is (as far as i know)one of the few Rocky Mann films ever to make it to video/DVD. It's a shame because a director with such a flair for story telling and action should be given more credit.

Dragon Peril is set in WWII China under the occupation of the Japanese army. Attack against the Japanese have been reported by a mythical figure. Chow Liu is ordered by his superiors to hunt this attacker down. The appearance of Japan's greatest soldier, General Yashika, causes complications as he suspects Chow Liu to be the Masked Warrior.

The film demonstrates some very early wire work and beautifully made shots. Not to mention the highest level of martial arts i've seen to date. The dubbing i have to say, drags this film down. Though i'm thankful they didn't subtitle it as the film quality is pretty shaky. Don't let that put you off though. If you're a Kung Fu fan or interested in getting into it this is where to start. Not forgetting it has the catchiest theme tune EVER. This film's been the inspiration of a lot of my film projects.

Although i'm not a fan of remakes... I strongly think this film should have a remake, for sake of getting the original the credit it deserves.
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