Reign of Fire (2002)
Gerard Butler best thing about it
19 March 2005
I read nearly half of the users' comments (there are 400+ in all)on "Reign of Fire" and saw only two references to Gerard Butler: one simply mentioning he's in it and the other slamming him in general. I disagree and am surprised at the lack of regard for his being in the movie. His is arguably the most sympathetic character in the movie and likely the only one with any sense of humor. I purposely see every movie Gerard Butler is in -- it is what draws me to the theater for certain films, such as this one. I probably would watch him reading the phone book! That being said, I enjoyed this movie. Yes, it can be seen that they cut corners in terms of the shortage of special effects scenes and the poster WAS misleading. But I think people are jaded these days. After seeing so many movies with explosive effects, people aren't satisfied with anything less. I also enjoyed "Timeline", in which Gerard also stars. That movie, too, was widely slammed, but I liked it. I like fantasy films with a bit of romance. I like effects, too, but I don't think that's all there is to it. I can't wait to see Gerard in "Beowulf and Grendel" but I'm sure people are already sharpening their knives to crucify him and that movie, too!
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