S10 Reviews: Country Cuzzins (1970)
11 March 2005
Woo hoo! This is a country hoedown the likes you ain't seen in darn near a coon's age. Sorry that was just the moonshine talking. Harry Novak (smut peddler extraordinaire) brings up another soft-core sleaze-fest. Uncle Fester and his incestuous clan are having a reunion down on the farm. Plenty of moonshine to go around for the horny bunnies as the "Hee-Haw" gang throw a swell shindig that includes a chicken catch (don't laugh the top prize is a goat, Golly!). It really gets weird when the fun moves to cousin Prudence's city mansion where she plans on making the family out to be a big joke for her socialite friends. Plenty of nudity abound and tons of corniness.

If you can tolerate screwball down-home this sexploitation classic could be for you.
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