For fans of Star Wars Only
12 March 2005
The Star Wars geek inside of me did laugh a few times. However if you're not a fan of the films. If you don't sit there and collect the stupid action figure variants, Don't quote the film incessantly to your friends, you may not really enjoy this film. At it's core it's a film about a father and what he do for his dying son. But let's be honest most of it is just an excuse for grown men to hit each other with plastic lightsabers. And we're not talking about twenty something guys. We're talking about fat balding 40 year olds. It doesn't have the same crossover appeal of 'FREE ENTERPRISE'. And it's not as funny either. This film could've benefited from a shorter running time and tighter editing job. To paraphrase the film in regards to the edits that should've been made on Phantom Menace. You should've gone in and out get to the point quicker and cutback on some of the exposition, let us get back to decent pace and limit the kid's screen time. Let's do talk about the things I did like. The director really did try to make this a film as professional looking as possible. Some of the shots were amazingly good for an independent feature. Aside from the terrible acting job the son did, (Yeah I know he's a kid, but you could have admitted to yourself he sucked and have him do the lines again, only at least this time a bit more audible) the rest of the principle cast did a great job. The Star Wars in Jokes were great. And The Actor who plays Hank has some decent comedic timing. The Matrix gag may have worn thin but I swear I saw a Chasing Amy Reference? Or am I crazy? It's obvious some of the convention scenes were done in a small comic shop, but the long shots were done at a much larger convention, nice work keeping that all together. Good job By David Prowse and The actor who played George Lucas, My crazy girlfriend actually thought it was him. I also want you to know Now I can't get Rock Me Amidala out of my head. Good production values all around, and I would have rated it much higher except, this is a Film only a Star Wars fan Can Love.
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