Powerful magician goes to jail for creating illusion of affluence in Brazilian town
13 March 2005
This is an excellent movie. It tells the story of a magician that travels with his beautiful assistant through small towns in Brazil. The movie is about his own transformation from a sophisticated thief to a prisoner with social concerns. He is a master of illusion. In one town he creates the illusion of abundance which is the opposite of the real situation. He is thrown in prison by the local police chief (the delegado). The movie can be interpreted with symbols while at the same time being entertaining. It is about freedom and repression, hunger and abundance, reality and illusion. It is a movie that leaves you thinking in the end. The photography is very strong. The movie has something of Bye Bye Brazil but is a bit more subtle. I saw this movie in 1994 in South America and may have forgotten some other details but it really touched me.
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