Annie Hall (1977)
Innovative and Convincing Study of Relationships
4 March 2005
Annie Hall, a film from back in 1977 and winner at the 1978 Academy Awards of the coveted Best Picture prize, is a film directed by Woody Allen. It tells the story, or rather shows the viewers scenes from the story, of how Alvy Singer (Woody Allen) falls in love with and carries on a relationship with none other than Annie Hall (Diane Keaton).

The most innovative part of this film is its screenplay, so very unique in its randomness and in its straightforward quality. Allen isn't afraid to show exactly what Alvy is thinking, even if its means having him speak directly into the camera or showing his thoughts directly on screen. The film isn't about exciting moments and beautiful love scenes; rather, it's about two normal, abnormal people whose relationship is just as interesting as Hall and Singer themselves.

The direction, although it too won an Oscar, is rather simple, but just as direct as the screenplay is. Really, the screenplay is the only element that is complicated and unique, but Allen wants that screenplay and all that introspective dialogue to be the viewer's focus. This explains the lack of music and lack of flamboyant camera techniques.

For all the very, very funny parts of the film, there also seem to be a few large chunks of dialogue that leave the viewer scratching his head. The film isn't focused really, but I believe that it's focused in its blurriness. It focuses on Hall and Singer alone, not on a certain atmosphere; but what relationship does retain the same atmosphere throughout its entirety?

The film is so fresh in its exploration of all relationships, not just that of Annie and Alvy. Allen is obviously frustrated with elusiveness of pleasure, especially emotional pleasure in relationships between men and women. It forces the viewer to reminisce on both the bad and the good, just as Singer himself does, even though most of us may not be quite so innovative in our display of memory.

Final Grade: A-.
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