Review of L'enclos

L'enclos (1961)
Enclosure/A God-forsaken world
2 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"L'enclos" is completely forgotten today.A demanding,ambitious uncompromizing work,it was completely overshadowed by the so-called masterpieces of the French nouvelle vague.And however "l'enclos" remains unique;it's not an entertaining movie,it's not "Hart's war" or "the great escape" .It's something different,terribly different.

In a concentration camp,a kapo asks one of the prisoners to kill one of his mates.One of the officers saw the whole scene:it gives him a spooky idea:why not repeat it with two other prisoners, a French Jew and a German political prisoner(such a character was not that much obvious in the early sixties ,and might explain the commercial failure of the movie:only 15 years had passed since the end of WW2)?.They lock both of them in an enclosure (check the title ) and tell them that they have to fight and the survivor's life will be spared .I will not reveal what happens next because the script is very elaborated and it would be a spoiler.

The two officers call that an "experiment" ,they are sure that the German Aryan is bound to kill the "inferior" Jew.They make a bet.But the "result" will be totally unexpected ,so unexpected that even in one of the most somber conclusions that was ever filmed,some sunlight does break through.I'm almost sure that if some producer saw this film,he would fatally think of a remake .If it made people feel like watching Gatti's work,why not?
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