Don't see The Salton Sea
27 February 2005
You know you're in trouble when a film begins with Val Kilmer playing a jazzy tune on a trumpet inside a room that's on fire - complete with slow motion and a voice over. He ponders a bit over who he his, how he got there, and so the fun begins... if you're definition of fun is watching some coked up morons, dirty cops, shootings, pretentious dialogue, Kilmer playing more trumpet, drugs, flashbacks, explosions...

The Salton Sea desperately wants to be more than just another Pulp Fiction rip-off, so it rips off Memento as well, aiming for a more serious noir touch to the story. This, of course, fails as the script's definition of film noir is having Val Kilmer playing the trumpet while pondering over who he really is, and how he got there. Oh, and it's done in slow motion and with a voice over.

There are more quirky and wacky characters in this film, than you could ever wish for (kudos, though, to Mr D'Onofrio in a completely unrecognizable performance). Most of them don't have anything to do with the actual plot, but it fills out time and allows for some hip snorting and hilarious comedy... if you're definition of comedy is watching some coked up morons trying to steal Bob Hope's feces.

The point is that there is no point. What little there is in the way of plot is just an excuse to show off "cool" characters, guns, explosions, and Val Kilmer playing the trumpet. There is a story in there somewhere, but it's so stupid and illogical that it doesn't count. It's all about the surface, and not even that is any good.

Kilmer sleepwalks through the film (and, dare I say it... plays the trumpet), and all the other characters are just cartoons. The Salton Sea is a piece of crap that mistakes quality for pretentiousness, and fails to entertain in any way. [1/10]
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