Review of Slash

Slash (2002)
A Good Typical Slasher Movie
22 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The front case of this movie looked really good, since i am a HUGE HORROR i gave this a movie a turned out to not be that bad...the story was original and understanding....the killer and his/her mask looked awesome....the band wasn't that bad, meaning the music...i'm more of a metal head, but i got that last song they sang stuck in my the end of the movie wen the band is performing on stage....

(SPOILERS) The things that kinda bummed me out was a lot of the off screen kills, meaning we didn't get to see any of the goods....i would've appreciated more of the red stuff, but maybe thats just vampire/gore-hound inside of me talking....i mean there was some blood in this movie but not a lot...(some stabbings, and the "Thresher" scene)....

But overall i took a ride on this and had a happy, fun IL' time....its not as bad as people are saying....there are tons much worser then this movie....
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