Mom vs. daughter, who do you think should win?
22 February 2005
I watched this movie on t.v. the other night. I had no idea who was in it or what it was about. It stars Nicholle Tom as a teenage girl who is rebellious towards her mother and her step-father. Mel Harris plays her mom and has trouble dealing with all the problems that her daughter dishes out to her. Apparently, the husband, who we see in multiple flashbacks, was an abusive, alcoholic who ends up killing himself. We don't see much of him but the story isn't as much about him as it is for the mother-daughter issue. I'm a parent of three kids and I wouldn't know what to do if any one of my three would do the things that the daughter did. This movie was directed by Noel Nosseck who's movies I have seen. Recently as a couple days ago. If you're a mother dealing with a rebellious teen-aged daughter, then this one's for you, otherwise find something else to do with your time!
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