Just doesn't click
14 February 2005
This tedious bore of a film will be remembered as nothing more than Aishwaria Rai's first attempt to crossover to western audiences.

A novel concept, Bride and Prejudice takes a typical Bollywood style plot about the complications that arise when boy meets girl, and makes it palatable to American/European tastes. All dialog and songs are in English, and given that locations include Goa, London, & L.A., production values are very high. The colors in this film absolutely burst off the screen.

Now for the bad news: Rai is without question very attractive, but there is a stunning lack of chemistry between her and any male character in this movie. Also, the characterization of the mother as nothing more than a shallow gold digger, ready to pawn of her daughters to anyone with a buck, is very distasteful. The only person who brings life to this mess is Nitin Ganatra as the bumbling Mr. Kholi.
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