Lost in Space (1998)
Lost In Translation
11 February 2005
Originally, like all of Irwin Allen's Sixties TV sci-fi operas, "The Space Family Robinson" took itself too seriously. (Disney, rights holder to "Swiss Family Robinson", forced a last-minute title change). The first episode actually broadcast, "The Reluctant Stowaway", was barely-plausible drama and featured a purely-evil Dr. Zachary Smith.

Allen slowly converted his clunky space operetta into a comedy of errors, highlighting Jonathan Harris's comic side as a more buffoonish Smith. It worked, despite the howls of critics. For the big-screen tribute to this vanished Sixties world, director and screenwriter unwisely copy the original idea.

The updated script rings acceptable changes on the premise of sending a single family to colonize space. One wouldn't expect a slavish copy of the pilot's scenario. Drama over comedy, however, doesn't cut it. Gary Oldman, chilling as Ludwig van Beethoven, seems straight out of an Up All Night horror flick as Dr. Smith. The character could have been nicknamed Igor instead of Zack.

I don't hold opinions about child actors. As the parents, William Hurt and Mimi Rogers are interesting substitutes for Zorro and Mrs. Lassie. Hard to beat the sheer Mom-ness of June Lockhart, though.

I suppose it is enough that someone wanted to spend millions of dollars remembering one of one's TV favorites from childhood.
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