11 February 2005
A mockery of the novel - the characters in no way resemble the creations of Jane Austen except for name. The stories have been twisted in a pathetic way, nominally they live in UTAH and are MORMONS. For a Regency Era novel, that's just tragic. Furthermore, there is no chemistry between any of the couples and you spent an hour and thirty minutes begging for the film to end. (The first ten are spent asking what this movie has to do with Pride and Prejudice.)

As a stand-alone movie, it lacks interest to draw the audience in, employs cheap Hollywood clichés (such as keeping Wickham lit in shadows during many scenes) and lacks substance of any sort. The characters aren't even consistent to their movie versions and scenes are spliced together in a mish-mash way to move the non-existent plot along.

Final conclusion? Avoid this film at all costs, even if you are a die-hard Austen fan.
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