Star Odyssey (1979)
It's the alphabet Jim, but not as we know it.
9 February 2005
This is the third "Al Bradly" movie I have watched in the last couple of weeks and like the other 2 (Cosmos: War of the Planets and The War of the Robots) uses many of the same sets, costumes, cast and effects shots. And like the other two it is total and unmitigated crap from start to finish. The weirdness start in the credits when after the "Stars" the rest of the cast in listed in "Alphabetical Order". I don't know what kind of scary arsed alien alphabet they were using but it wasn't the ABC I was taught at school.

The plot is straight out of a 1920s pre Hugo Gernsback Scientifiction pulp with strutting heroes, mentally superior super-scientists (complete with beautiful niece), cute robots, an alien overlord intent on enslaving the human race etc. etc.

The Alien overlord shows his superiority over the puny humans by unleashing a short montage of Black and White footage of buildings being destroyed in World War 2 - a bit alarming coming in the middle of a colour SF movie. Meanwhile the Earth Government suppress the news that entire cities are being wiped off the face of the planet and turn to the only man who can stop the aliens reducing the earth to radioactive doo-doo and enslaving all the black people he can find.

That isn't a joke on my part - the only shots of aliens enslaving people has them rounding up some "African Natives" - though the translators, probably conscious of this blatant bit of racial stereotyping, do go out of their way to get characters to tell each other that other races are getting lifted in vast numbers too.

So confident are the powers that be in their chosen Super-scientist saviour he has to illegally assemble his team of Super-scientist helpers by stealing spaceships and springing them from Jail.

Even weirder is the sequence about three quarters through the movie in which three scenes that should have been at the start of the flick turn up in no apparent order (Though this may just be on the DVD copy I own -part of a 20 movie box set called Space Quest) when we see the gambler hero in the casino, the auction where "Sol 3" is bought by the Alien, and a scene in the Human control room where the High Command take a break from their "who has the gayest moustache" contest long enough to realise that the Earth is utterly screwed.

Aimed at a target audience of retarded 7 year olds.
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