Coldblooded (1995)
drumming fingers
6 February 2005
Nice. Quentin Tarantino without having a fit.

Well, it seems there's no place for short comments. So I have to fill in some more words. Which is really this movie lacks in a rather smart way. Check out Jasmine's face when she's pointing a gun, near the end. You'll see what I mean. Words are just accessories.

Let's see if now the comment is accepted.

Nope. You have to bear with me a little more. And they have mandatory spelling check too!! I'm impressed. I think.

The words laconic, concise, brief have no meaning for these guys.

Let's see... check out the little pearls spread here and there inside the movie. Short humorous situations, well tempered. Sort of back to the basics film, clichés aren't annoying, just adequate. Eh, what do you think about that - adequate cliché. Of course i'm going to write anything here if they press me to!

Finally! Not a moment too soon. Timing, yes, the movie displays good timing. What's the director name again?
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