Life & Style (2004–2005)
I can't believe this show lasted more than a month!!!
27 January 2005
This has to be the worst show on television! I am often getting ready for work when this show comes on, and not having cable it's either this or soap operas. These girls are so stupid that often times I have had to turn my TV off so I don't actually lose IQ points. While it is nice to put pretty girls on TV these particular girls should not be allowed to talk, because it takes away any sex appeal that they have. I would think that if your show is going to go to the trouble of planning an entire segment on a guest (such as a guest cook), that the hosts would at least fain interest in what they have to say. Instead on this show they stand around and talk about how easy stuff looks to make, when in actuality the hosts would likely have trouble making toast. Also the writing on this show is so bad, that after I watch it I start to think of how intelligent some of Jerry Springer's final thoughts are (They are also moronic, but at least they think about things before they put them on a TelaPrompter). Hopefully this show will be taken off the air soon. It is making women dumber on a daily basis!!!
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