Kind of like a car wreak, only mental
27 January 2005
Vanity project doesn't even begin to describe this Freudian nightmare. It's not so much a movie as a case study of what happens when a spoiled narcissist tries to regain his Biodome glory days. If you enjoy watching Pauly Shore whack off in the figurative, and literal sense, well this one's for you.

In short, it documents the life of an untalented guy who lucked out and now resents the world for getting bored of him. Oh, and that guy has mother issues up the ass, as every woman in the film (outside the cameos) is a whore, or his mother.

While there is a self mocking tone to the film, it doesn't veil his resentment of Hollywood and his fans. He makes fun of his crap movies and unfortunate looks, but maintains throughout the film that it is Hollywood's fault for being so short sighted, or his fans fault for being narrow minded hicks.

I actually went to this thinking it might be a good dark comedy about someone's 15 minutes of fame. Rather, I got an unadulterated, immature and shameless plea for personal and professional validation.

It's kind of funny to me that Pauly Shore actually believes he made a good film, so I gave it a 2.
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