Review of Near Death

Near Death (2004)
No matter how much you want to like movies like this, you'll feel like a sucker after you watch it.
20 January 2005
Even those who like the low budget gore, low brow humor and independent zombie movies will fine this a disappointment.

Near Death tries to be cheap horror/soft-core porn/comedy with being scary, sexy or funny. You can appreciate the effort of the actors but the plot, the effects, the orthodontic pieces, its just too much. You wonder where this is going all the time. You ask yourself what's up with the sex scenes, what's up with the mirror, what's up with priest who has is approached for research purposes and then agrees to an exorcism/séance or something 60 seconds later.

I am all for actors and directors trying to make a buck in the alternative DVD market with "not-ready-for-theater" movies but this is a poor effort because you see what the director is trying to do but never comes close to getting done. You may become depressed after you've seen it, because movies like this make you aware of the many ways you can be suckered into wasting time.
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