Baywatch: Hawaiian Wedding (2003 TV Movie)
cheese fest as only Baywatch can....
17 January 2005
I watched this movie for a bit of a laugh plus it had the Hoff in it and lets face it after Knightrider the Hoff is one cool dude! (I'll let u decide whether or not I'm being sarcastic there, on one hand I could be but on the other the truth is I may be a MASSIVE Hoff fan but won't admit it.) Anyway this tale is in usual Baywatch style, bad acting, bad story, bad script. Basically its just bad, but I have to think for something to be so bad then logically it must be good? I don't know but I found it pretty entertaining just for the fact that it was that bad! Most of the original Baywatch cast are in this one including Pamela Anderson who's acting is pretty much as fake as her chest, but we don't mind that, once again its Baywatch, it supposed to be muck.

Overall I would say if you are a fan of Baywatch then you will enjoy this movie and should definitely watch it. If you aren't a fan however then I would still suggest you watch it because it really is a bad movie, but because of that it's entertaining and fun so give it a go.

This movie deserves a.... So Bad its Good/10
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