Review of Pilot

Huff: Pilot (2004)
Season 1, Episode 1
Another poke in the eye for B'cast TV
15 January 2005
The silly broadcast TV regs the FCC imposes on television production has all but destroyed their ability to produce anything but cheap, inane and grossly exploitive reality TV and fish-wrap-for-news. Meanwhile on cable nets, we have The SOpranos, Six Feet Under et al which just completely blow away any series produced on YV in the last 20 years. Add Huff to the list.

The Opening credits remind me of 6 Feet Under, but the plot lines themselves less so.

Simply stated, the writing is consistently exemplary, the plot turns are hard to predict yet plausible, and each actor tears into their part with a lot of skill.

Blythe Danner is sure to win an Emmy for her work on this series, but all of the cast is excellent.
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