WrestleMania XX (2004 TV Special)
It sorta all began again
13 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Wrestlemania XX probably had the most hype of any WWF/E event since the first Wrestlemania and possibly XIV as well, and for the most part it delivered. At least some of the matches delivered, I'll run them one by one:

1. United States Championship: Big Show (Champion) vs. John Cena: Good opening rap by Cena, as for the match it was basic, might have helped if Show wasn't battling knee problems and if it wasn't so obvious Cena was going to win. Nice finish with Cena using the knucks and hitting the F-U. 5/10.

2. Fatal Four-Way Tag Team Championship Match: Rod Van Dam & Booker T (Champions) vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. Garrison Cade & Mark Jindrak vs. La Resistance: This one wasn't needed, I like that WWE got as many guys on the card as they could, but this was a pretty boring match. RVD and Booker T retain the Tag Titles, thankfully. 3/10.

3. Chris Jericho vs Christian: A good match actually, went on longer than I thought it would, but that wasn't a bad thing. Plenty of back and forth exchanges, and the finish held a surprise, with Trish turning heel and joining Christian. 7/10.

4. 2-on-3 Handicap Match: Rock 'n' Sock Connection vs. Evolution: A pretty good match, Randy Orton and Batista were just finding their niche at this point, but they both did a good job. It was nice to see Rock and Mick Foley back and I liked seeing Flair wrestle (the fact he could at his age is amazing to me). Finish saw Orton hit the RKO out of nowhere on Foley for the pin. 8/10.

5. Playboy Evening Gown Match: Sable & Torrie Wilson vs. Miss Jackie and Stacy Keibler: Not evening worth talking about. 0/10.

6. WWE Cruiserweight Title Open: Chavo Guerrero (Champion) vs. Jamie Noble vs. Funaki vs. Ultimo Dragon vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Nunzio vs. Tajiri vs. Shannon Moore vs. Billy Kidman: A good idea, though the match wasn't all that good. Nice spot by Kidman performing the Shooting Star Press to the outside and almost snapping his neck. The finish was typical, Rey lost when Chavo got help from his dad. 5/10.

7. Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar w/Stone Cold as Special Guest Referee: This match sucked and the fans watching agreed, it took almost three minutes for the two to lock up and even longer for the match to end. It was great to hear Austin chants while both Goldberg and Brock got booed, though there were more for Brock. Finish saw Goldberg spear and Jackhammer Brock for the win. Nice post-match stunners from Austin to both guys. 0/10.

8. Fatal Four-Way Tag Team Title Match: Scotty 2 Hotty & Rikishi vs. APA vs. Basham Brothers vs. The World's Greatest Tag Team: Not as good as the Raw Four-Way, thankfully it ended quickly. Rikishi and Scotty retained. 3/10.

9. Women's Championship: Victoria (Champion) vs. Molly Holly: If Molly loses she gets her head shaved, well five minutes later she loses. It was a basic match, finish was a backslide pin. The post match stuff was nice, seeing Molly lose her hair gradually.

10. WWE Championship: Eddie Guerrero (Champion) vs Kurt Angle: Good match, though it should've been better. Finish saw Eddie cheat by rolling up Angle and using the ropes. 7/10.

11. Undertaker vs. Kane: Great entrance by Undertaker, until you see him that is. The biker/dead man mix didn't work so well, and it was an okay match. Finish saw Taker hit the Tombstone for the win. 5/10.

12. Triple-Threat World Title Match: Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H (Champion) vs. Chris Benoit: Best match of the night, one of the best Wrestlemania main events ever. It was great to see Benoit make Triple H tap, so that slug finally dropped the title to someone who deserved it. 10/10.

This was a good event, though a few of the matches were lackluster. namely Goldberg/Lesnar & The Evening Gown match. 7/10 overall.
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