WrestleMania X8 (2002 TV Special)
Good, but not great
7 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Possible Spoilers....

Okay, X-8 wasn't was good as X-7, not by a long shot but it was still good, to a point that is. I'll run the matches by one-by-one.

1. Intercontinental Title; William Regal (Champion) vs. Rob Van Dam: This was an all right match, I've always liked Regal's counter wrestling and RVD's style is just well unique, thankfully RVD stopped Regal from using his trademark brass knucks, so the finish of the match was clean. 6/10.

2. European Title; Diamond Dallas Page (Champion) vs. Christian: It was nice to see DDP back on PPV, though it was a fairly short and therefore somewhat boring match. Diamond Cutter finish was nice though. 4/10.

3. Hardcore Title; Maven (Champion) vs. Goldust: There was no reason for this match. Maven was too green, hadn't really proved himself and there were a few missed spots. Thank god it was over quickly, though numerous title changes happened throughout the show, none of which were very interesting. 1/10.

4. Kane vs. Kurt Angle: Good match, plenty of good spots, wished Kane would have won though. Angle cheating at the end sorta tainted the match. 7/10.

5. Ric Flair vs. Undertaker: Best match of the night in my opinion. Both guys put on tremendous performances, and the finish was pretty cool. Actually thought Taker was going to lose when Arn Anderson spinebusted him, but a tombstone later and it's 10-0 for the Dead Man. 10/10.

6. Edge vs. Booker T: Decent match, but it wasn't really necessary to have this far up the card. 6/10.

7. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Scott Hall: Good, but very short match. The finish was good as well, Austing stunning both Hall and Nash was nice. 6/10.

8. Four Team Elimination Match, Tag Team Titles; Billy & Chuck (Champions) vs. The Hardy Boyz vs. The APA vs. The Dudley Boyz: An all right match, Hardy's (my fav. team) got in some nice double team offense as did the Dudley's, but this one didn't seem to have a lot of energy throughout. 5/10.

9. The Rock vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan: All the hype, all the excitement built towards this, surprisingly okay match. It was great to hear the crowd cheer Hogan and boo the crap out of The Rock, but the match was really just a fluff piece, okay for the first few minutes and okay again at the end, but besides the crowd's energy, it wasn't all they made it out to be. 6/10.

10. Triple-Threat Match, Women's Championship; Jazz (Champion) vs. Trish Stratus vs. Lita: Another decent match, with the right person winning, though I would've liked to have seen Lita (my fav. diva) win. 5/10.

11. Undisputed Championship; Chris Jericho (Champion) w/Stephanie McMahon vs. Triple H: One of the dullest matches on the card, and easily the dullest main event ever. Everyone dead and alive knew that Triple H was going to win and it was nice to see him Pedigree Stephanie, but boy did this match suck. 3/10.

It was overall a good show, but it wasn't there best and like another reviewer said began the decline in the WWF (now E) quality.
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