A fast paced, well done thriller.
9 January 2005
This thriller is in the vein of Hitchcock and destined to be a cult classic. After the initial setup, the movie becomes a non-stop roller coaster with many twists and turns - you have no idea where it's going. A very original and entertaining indie flick.

The main character does an excellent job of carrying the plot, and you really believe the madness that is happening to him. The driver is excellent. His paranoia and ranting steal the scenes that he is in. Other supporting characters do an excellent job as well.

I was very impressed with the music. The score complemented the action tremendously and there is even a cool running montage like "Run Lola Run." The film was well directed and well shot. The editing was well paced and there is no "fluff" - Once it gets started, it doesn't stop until it's over.
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