Screen One: Hostile Waters (1997)
Season 9, Episode 2
Entertaining And Suspenseful
8 January 2005
This is a very good Cold War drama about a cat and mouse game between American and Soviet nuclear submarines in the mid-Atlantic that turns potentially deadly after an accidental collision. Supposedly based on a real incident that took place shortly before the Reykjavik summit between Reagan and Gorbachev in 1986, the movie managed to capture well the level of mistrust between the two opposing subs and the dangers caused by that mistrust. Most of the action takes place on the Soviet sub, badly damaged after the collision with the crew desperately trying to get everything under control, while the Americans try to figure out exactly what the Soviets are up to.

This is a relatively low budget, TV movie - and the low budget sometimes shows a bit, but all in all a worthwhile piece of entertainment. 8/10
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