it sux and i was in it
1 January 2005
i was the "henchman" in the black shirt and backwards ball cap with a hellraiser box tattoo, close up when the grenade went off, and I'm about to laugh cause it was so cheesy, but hey it was an easy 225 dollars,but i knew it was a straight to USA network movie when i saw it...but the Germans probably liked it a lot more, it was filmed in new port richey, florida, in basically someones field, the city was so proud that there was a movie being filmed their, that they treated the cast and crew like royalty, and threw them a big party (i.e. free drinks and chicken fingers). even the crew realized what a turd this movie was....one guy just walked off the set, and i had to double for him, look for when the kid falls of the back of the boat and two guys haul him out of the water, they switched us mid scene, because they were to lazy to do a reshoot, and i look NOTHING like the guy i switched with...I'm at least 60 pounds more than him and a half a foot taller...i was the only extra that would get in the water without a fuss, i worked as a plumbers apprentice once...a little water doesn't bother me
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