The Aviator (2004)
Leo Has Finally Grown Up
3 January 2005
For years I have been fond of saying that Leonardo DiCaprio will never win an Oscar. I will now have to revise that statement.

This movie is truly an astounding study in character. And Leo pulls it off fantastically. For the second time in his career, we forget that its Leo and are welcomed inside of the character portrayed. The first, of course, was his performance in Gilbert Grape.

Leo seems bigger than life, and believable when his Howard Hughes, as a young man, says early in the film, "you tell those (expletives) that even though I'm 21 years old, its MY company and if they don't like it they can kiss my ass!" (paraphrased) I truly believed at that point that we were in for quite a ride, and that this was Leo's triumphant entry into legend.

The movie brings us all kinds of great stars of the 30's and 40's. The best of these is Katherine Hepburn, played wondrously by Cate Blanchett. This is the first time in my memory that an actor portrayed another actor who wasn't in character. In an understated and completely believable manner, Cate really captured Hepburn's strength, humor and feminine wiles. Few actresses could have pulled this off better. And Cate really looks like a young Katherine.

The supporting cast turn in memorable performances, and there is no weak link among them. John C. Reilly continues to show a gentlemanly persona in every performance.

I loved "The Aviator" and am convinced that it will become a golden classic. A sincere 8 out of 10 stars.
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