Sadly Candid
26 December 2004
Unlike many viewers, I did not seek this film out simply to catch a glimpse at Holly Marie Combs' breasts.

I thought that the way the movie portrayed the feelings of loneliness, confusion, isolation, and guilt that rape victims go through was very well done. The film did a great job showing the rape from a predominantly impartial standpoint and the way that it showed both sides of the story was very impressive. The rapist was not a one-dimensional creep and the girl was not a completely innocent victim. They were both depicted as fallible and human. This was a huge relief to me. I was growing increasingly tired of seeing rape cases depicted as black and white. The movie, though fairly anonymous, did a great job at depicting the multiplicity of emotions and actions that occur doing a tragedy like that. Unfortunatlely, the movie lacks classic Hollywood exaggeration and some might find it a bit dull. In its quest for authenticity the movie comes across as a bit too slow-paced. Overall though, its very nicely done.

BTW - Holly Marie Combs did a superb job in the small part that she had. Her character served as a great foil to the protagonist. Her main monologue was simply fabulous. She did a great job. Too bad, the movie could have benefited with more screen time from her.
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