Great story but not original
17 December 2004
I hate to burst some of the viewers high opinion of Mr. Martin's writing prowess, but the fact is that this story was written in 1861, London by George Eliot which, by the way was the pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans. All Mr. Martin has done has changed the names of the charters, their occupations, and set it in America. At the end of the movie is a fleeting credit to the original author, however I fear most folks don't take the time to read those. I think if credit had been given in the start, for instance, adapted from an original work by George Eliot's Silas Marner, by Steve Martin would have been the honorable thing to do. I highly recommend the book, although the movie is done well, the original telling of the story is that much better. Read people! Your letting Hollywood do your thinking.
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