Review of Maryam

Maryam (2002)
Falling Short of the Bar
9 December 2004
This was a film characterized by being there, by being interesting, and by holding your attention -- but giving you false expectations of anything more. Overall, the film was a decent watch, but it left something lacking and something a bit unfulfilling in you.

This film's story has great potential, and from the beginning you could see it building up (in spite of often mediocre acting & filming reminiscent of bad 'made-for-TV movies') but in the end the story does not get anywhere near as provocative or startling as it could be. There are, of course, worthwhile moments as in any film that tackles similar issues, but it was not done in a way that makes one think or be moved by whats' going on; it does it very matter-of-factly and often seemingly without the proper emotions running high. It seems very anticlimactic at moments, and very cold. It is like the firework that makes the big bang but the streams of color are just not there.

Throughout the entirety of the film I am awaiting for an explosion of shock & intrigue, a moment of cinema excellence to rear its' head and enrapture me and devour my senses, but in the end you do not get this: you get a mere solid story that slowly progresses, has very small climactic points, and leaves you slightly disappointed.

It is a decent slice of life film, and it is true in its' portrayals and good effort is put into it by Ramin Serry. I must say that I was pleased with much of the film, and that it was in fact a decent watch, but it certainly was not anything that truly grabs or moves you. And so as a result I can only say that it is a film that is an easy, light watch, and that if you should see it, not to expect anything big or amazing as one might expect. Rather, it is what it is, and what it is is nothing amazing.
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