The Machinist (2004)
Intense, Spooky and Amazing
1 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This is the kind of movie that Hollywood very, very rarely has the guts to make: thought-provoking, truly scary on a psychological level, that tells a story that could happen to anyone in the world. And I don't believe it came out of Hollywood, either. Christian Bale will get mega-attention for his emaciated body, but as painful as it was to see it,POSSIBLE SPOILER!!! his physical condition reveals the character's state of mind visually. Bravo to Bale for doing that, although I hope he's returned to a healthy state. Bale also carries this story as Trevor, and I was greatly impressed with the integrity and high level of craft with which he pulls the viewer into his character's story with his eyes, his voice, facial expression as well as his actions. He has solid support from the other actors. I also think the editing and writing was superb, and the photography and lighting perfect in setting tone and creating a suitably dark atmosphere. I would recommend this movie for anyone who's especially tired of the slick fare that comes out of L.A., and I would warn them to pay attention to details, from the very beginning.
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