WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception (Schecter Changed Title Apparently)
6 December 2004
A must see movie for those suspicious, disheartened and angry about Bush Incorporated's numerous ignominious and blatantly false reasons for the Iraq War. Danny Schecter shows raw news footage from around the world concerning the carefully orchestrated buildup and devastating aftermath ((at least 100,000 innocent Iraqis bombed to pieces (nearly half of Iraq is under age 15) according to Lancet Medical Journal)) of the Iraq war in progress that was never shown on American TV.

The filmmaker is an intense character who dissects the propaganda in a way that would make Sherlock Holmes proud. An 8 year veteran of ABC news, he displays an intellectual honesty that Michael Moore often disregards in lieu of prankster antagonism and partisan politics. A damning movie with damning indestructible facts. George Bush does not want you to see this movie. No one employed by the war machine does. Anyone who cares about America should see it today. Call your theater and demand it or look for it on DVD.

Yes, it is that powerful....10/10
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