Review of Smear

Smear (1998)
Homophobia and/or puberty
1 December 2004
I got a chance to see this at the November, 2004 Emerging Filmmakers show at the Little Theater in Rochester, NY.

My take on it is that, on the one hand, it touches on the "homophobia means you're a closeted homosexual," but it also explores the way teenage boys "discovering" girls conflicts with boyhood friendships.

It's about a couple teenage boys and a girl. One of them starts dating a girl, and the other is jealous. But jealous of what? That he's dating? or for his attention? Does this make him gay? Somewhat bi-sexual? These questions lead to a commentary on society: why would such feelings be bad, and lead a person to lash out against others? A society that says, "it's right to be straight and wrong to be gay" just may be at fault for this kind of behavior ... but you can decide for yourself.
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