The price of life... (spoilers)
23 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
The Check is in the Mail reminds me a lot of a little-known early 80s movie called Packin' It In in which Richard Benjamin plays a husband and father who, absolutely fed up with city-life (in that 'Prisoners of Second Avenue' kind of way) and all of its nuisances, decides to move his family to the country for some good IL' backwoods survivalism. This theme shows up again in the Albert Brooks/Julie Hagerty comedy, Lost In America, in which a husband, distraught with his yuppie life not going as planned, encourages his wife to join him and cash in all of their chips to buy an RV and live the nomadic life, Easy Rider style (sort of). The Check is in the Mail is about yet another husband/father (played by Brian Dennehy) who becomes beaten by the price of living, that he declares war on the system.

It is a certain brand of eighties comedy (aside from the theme). You know, those goofy, cheap 80s comedies with the illustrated box covers. This one, in particular models humor along the lines of the Beverly D'Angelo comedy, 'Finders Keepers' (which coincidentally also features Dennehy in a supporting role). Not side-splittingly funny, but a story that is somewhat off-the-wall (despite following a thematic trend). It's amusing light comedy, and worth a shot if you can find it.
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