Review of Collateral

Collateral (2004)
good but not great
18 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
possible spoilers...

I was looking forward to seeing this movie based on the reviews I had heard about it but also from the trailer. However upon watching it I have to say its a good movie but the not the best Tom Cruise movie I've seen. Cruise plays Vincent, a professional killer who picks Max (Jamie Foxx) to drive him to each of his targets unwillingly. Its an interesting storyline to say the least which ties up neatly in the end however I found that it just didn't do what Cruise's "Minority Report" did in terms of mystery. I felt sorry for Mark Ruffalo who had a useless role as an undercover cop who is trying to figure out the deal with Vincent himself, his character didn't develop enough and was taken away pretty fast. Jada Pinkett-Smith did a good job in the movie, its good to see her stray away from the tough female roles that she usually plays. I thought it was wrong to shoot this movie using digital camera-work because it looked really bad and made the camera work look really amateur.

I gave this movie a 6/10, again its good but not great.
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