Don't see why this was so popular
23 November 2004
Well, for some reason i really love romantic movies with that dash of comedy. U know, the kind of movies that leave u with a lump in your throat. But after having seen this movie I must say i've started to doubt this preference..

OK, so there are some funny developments, and I find Hugh Grant a rather amusing character, esp. when he has this immoral streak going on.. nevertheless, the development was predictable, the characters were rather stereotypical, dialogues where very very ... dull.. and the soundtrack was without exception the most horrible sequence of pep-tunes i have EVER heard..

yeh, i cant stress that enough: the soundtrack of this movie is horrible.. and since background music is able to make or break a scene, this might explain why scenes just lacked ambiance.. I actually had to turn of the sound to be able to keep watching certain scenes.. (now that cant be a good thing).. I don't know any names so i cant give examples, but rest assure that with its peppy and almost desperate selection of songs it stands out from any other romantic comedy in the most negative way.. it doesn't 'blend' the scenes.

About acting; other than Hugh Grant (who is actually a bit over the top) i find other characters very unconvincing and 'propish' (which includes this movie's good guy).. esp the 3 friends of Bridget, hanging around her throughout the movie as a soundboard for her romantic developments, really feel like being put there as filling.. plus they are annoying.. (i mean, please; 2 girls and the typical gay guy.. DO THEY COME ANY WORSE?)

so i advice all with a liking for the Hugh Grant, Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan etc kinda movies: avoid this one at all cost.
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