Pink Five Strikes Back (2004 Video)
21 November 2004
...absolutely hilarious. I just saw Pink Five and Pink Five Strikes Back last night after hours of aimless and bored surfing. It has been years since I saw something so witty and funny. The part where Stacey crawls into Yoda's hut soaking wet from the rain and grabs the nearest blanket to dry herself off is priceless. Why can't Hollywood put out material like this?

Amy Earhart's comic timing is dead-on and I highly recommend the other short films she has done. Her Valley Girl persona dropped into the middle of the Star Wars universe is the classic fish-out-water that (once again!) Hollywood only wishes they could do. The production values of this indie short are another reason to cheer. You have to love an indie that has a perfect replica of R2D2, a convincing Obi-Wan and Yoda, and great lightsaber effects. 5 out of 5 stars.
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