The Peasant-General
12 November 2004
Thi miniseries does not deserve the "B" picture like title: "Avengers, Saviors and Rapiers" Whoever decided to change the title of this series to the current one, did not watch nor understood what this movie is about. This movie actually depicts the historical event of the most bloodiest conflict in Europe: the 30 Years war(1618-1648). Civilians had to suffer the most by the armies of all sides. As the war went on, the civilians were forced to chance loyalties sometimes twice a year, because the front lines where not static. In order to survive this destructive madness, a young farmer decides not to be victim anymore. With the help of a traveling medicine graduate from wuertemberg university and intellectual rebel, the stage for insurrection has been set. What evolves is the German version of a Robin Hood, but with more complexity. The director of this miniseries spent a lot of emphasis on historical detail and background, the buildings, costumes and weaponry are fairly accurate depicted, considering the budged. The story is suspenseful and engaging right from the start. I highly recommend this series for historical movie lovers
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