11 November 2004
Yves Boisset was then championing any causes going .After the Algerian war (RAS ,1973) and "Dupont-Lajoie" (racism,1974,and probably his best work with the made-for TV "le pantalon rouge") and an unconvincing thriller ("folle à tuer"1975 ) where he seemed to ditch politics,"le juge Fayard...." set the record straight:all things politics.Inspired by a true story,Boisset became here André Cayatte's continuator but he lacked the simplicity of his predecessor (and of his 1973 and 1974 opus):the screenplay is extremely complicated ,sacrificing the plausibility of the script for the sake of the show :the witness's death in the hospital and the spectacular escape are two good examples.Besides,the characters are cardboard:the factory boss,a villain who would not be out of place in a cartoon,Aurore Clement's teacher character who seems to come from the worst May 1968 clichés ,the judge himself (Patrick Dewaere is not as well cast here as he was in "la meilleure façon de marcher" or "serie noire":too youthful,he was hardly 30).

NB :at the time,in the movie theaters ,the SAC -which really existed- won the case:its name was erased from the soundtrack and replaced by some kind of beep:what happened? the audience used to chuckle at every beep.When I saw the movie on TV ,a week ago,the "original " soundtrack was restored and the word "SAC" can be heard again.But who remembers these events?
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