"I got plans and I got organization, nothing's gonna stop me..."
9 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
"Racket Busters" is a Warner Brothers period piece that zeroes in on racketeering in the food and trucking business of the 1930's. John "Czar" Martin (Humphrey Bogart) has his sights set on the entire industry, seeking tribute from everyone in the food chain through intimidation and bribery. Denny Jordan (George Brent) is the wavering hero, who at first stands up to the mob, but falls victim to their tactics after stealing a mob satchel to provide for his ailing wife. Martin is willing to overlook Jordan's indiscretion, provided he cooperates with Martin's plans to take over the trucker's association.

A few of the truckers stand true to their ideals throughout the film - "Pop" (Oscar O'Shea), the father figure of the working stiffs; and Skeets Wilson (Allen Jenkins), a friend of Jordan's who manages to see through the corruption even after his friend falls under Martin's influence. Future "Blondie" star Penny Singleton is on hand as Skeets' fiancée, providing a moral anchor for her man.

The film is fairly formulaic, with the bad guys holding the upper hand for most of the film, but after "Pop" is murdered, and Skeets takes the lead in riling the truckers to action, Jordan wakes up to the reality of the situation and takes up the cause once again. In a climactic scene, Jordan and Martin duke it out, as special prosecutor Hugh Allison (Walter Abel) finally collects enough damaging evidence to put Martin away for years to come.

Humphrey Bogart is top billed, but it's George Brent who has more screen time and is the film's center of interest. Allen Jenkins does a credible job, keeping the faith even as his tomato commission business takes it on the chin. "Racket Busters" is not as hard edged as the title might make it seem, but it deserves at least a single viewing. For another Bogey film with a trucking theme, try 1940's "They Drive by Night", co-starring George Raft.
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