Carnecea's deadly secret
4 November 2004
***SPOILERS*** Ever since the tragic death of little Mellssa Graps, Valero Valeri, some twenty years ago a number of strange and unexplained deaths have occurred in the little Transylvanian town of Carnecea in the Caparthian Mountains.

With the latest death of a girl Irena Hollander, Mirella Pamphili, working as a maid at the Graps Villa the local authorities have had enough and send to the town Insp.Kruger, Piero Lulli, and Dr. Paul Eswai, Galcomo Rossi-Stuart, to get to the bottom and find out whats behind these strange and mysterious deaths. All Insp. Kruger and Dr. Eswai run into when trying to find out what happened to Irena is a wall of silence and outright fear from the local townspeople.

The death of Irena as well as some ten other villagers over the years seem to have some connection to the somewhat mad and infirm Baroness Graps, Glanna Vivaldi. The people in the town of Carnecea are terrified of her and never go anywhere near the Graps Villa for fear that what happened to Irena would happen to them. The deadly secret of the Graps Villa and the dead Melissa Graps would be exposed with the help of local town sorceress Ruth, Fabienne Dali, as well as Monica Schuftan, Erika Blanc. Who was drawn to visit the little out of the way town to pay respects to her parents who are buried there. Monica is far more connected to the dead Mellisa and Baroness Graps then she even knew. With Monica the curse on the town and it's people will finally be broken but at a very heavy cost in the lives lost of the people there.

Eerie ghost story that has some of the best photography and atmospherics ever seen in a horror film. The story itself is a bit uneven and not that original but the stylish direction of Mario Bava as well as the aforementioned atmospherics make "Kill Baby Kill" a must to see for everyone, horror or non-horror movie fans alike.
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