Brill Documentary, the hard truth!!
21 October 2004
Farenheit 9/11 is one excellent documentary from Michael Moore, i also enjoyed Bowling for Columbine but this is much better as it doesn't cover up anything its an uncensored view of the cold hard truth of the whole 9/11 Afganistan/Iraq, 2000 election fixing. Yes it may be a little biased and may not show one good point of approval of Bush's actions from Moore but it is so factual and every minor detail is covered in this to give you an idea of the point that the majority of people and in particular Moore is getting across.

I really think it was a bold decision from Moore to include horrific scenes but it works in this documentary it is scenes such as that, that are being covered up and only no in this documentary do the public get to see this. There are many touching scenes such as the lady who lost her son in Iraq, these scenes really do show the hard truth of war and the after effects and Moore covers all of this adequately.

Great Documentary 9/10
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