The mark of things to come...
20 October 2004
... the truly amazing thing when watching Death of Noir is the detail and production quality for what was reported to be a minimal budget. The director clearly took painstaking measures to ensure a style and feel that most would not have followed through with given the budget - what I mean is that he must have been uncompromising in his costume/lighting/location/actor selections, etc. - things often lost in independent films with small budgets.

Inspired acting performances (including that of Steph Johnson) make this an overall pleasure to watch - begging the viewer to step inside 1940's back alley USA to see what is lying in the shadows, or into the nearest smoky bar where a friendly bartender (maybe even Zack McCoy) will give you a light and implore you to take a load off...

Overall well done - can't wait to see more...
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