The Woodsman (2004)
stunning film on a sensitive subject
16 October 2004
The Woodsman played on opening night at the Austin Film

Festival. I probably would not have gone if Kevin Bacon had not

been the lead actor, as I greatly admire and respect his work. I

was not disappointed. Without condoning pedophilia in any way,

this film brings the audience into the story from the point of view of

someone struggling with his past after doing time in prison.

What is it like to struggle with this, to know or work with someone

like this?

It's a story most of us would rather not think about too much, but in

the hands of all involved it is honest, tasteful, and moving. It is

well-paced without being showy or melodramatic. Kudos also for

the elegant photography and editing. While the entire cast is

excellent, Mr. Bacon is superb, revealing much with his eyes.

This may be the best film I've seen this year. I expect to see it

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