Public Afternoons
13 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers herein.

Some ideas are so penetrating that you can find them in unlikely places. One unlikely place for film ideas is porn. Porn today is little like that of the 70's which 'Boogie Nights' celebrates. This stuff is film first, with the subject matter tailored to a specific market.

Seen that way, it is no surprise that there is a lot of Godard in this. The self-awareness and self-reference would be curious in any film, but more so where we are voyeurs.

This is a voyeuristic film about a voyeuristic film, episodes shown about episodes shown. Sexual fulfillment in watching sexual fulfillment in watching. Not entirely stupid, this.

As porn, it is a bit interesting too. The star is a far cry from what porn stars are today. This woman is just like many you'd pass on the street: no Jesabel makeup, no tarty clothes, no silicone boobs, no pubic shaving, no particular bodily conditioning at all. In fact, she's sorta lose and fat. To the extent that these can be erotic, this makes it more so.

Ted's Evaluation -- 2 of 3: Has some interesting elements.
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