Jack & Bobby (2004–2005)
A great show about Greatness
10 October 2004
On the Sunday it premiered on the WB I think I heard the ad for it about 4 times on the radio in my half hour of total driving and decided that the plot sounded unique and was worth wasting an hour of time not doing homework. After watching the first episode, I found myself amazed at the unique style in which the pilot was done with no truly telling the truth of which brother becomes president and in how the idea switches back and forth throughout the show. But what makes the show so good is it's big underlying question, What is the next great president/world leader like today, as a kid growing up? (Is it that geek that played D&D or the cool jock who still did all that community service?) This ever present idea that one of these two very unique and powerful brothers will soon be this mythical leader "The Great Believer" is inspiring and truthful.

Now after having watched the fifth episode, I find myself wanting to see the next right away. Each episode deals with a sort of theme or tying events between the two brothers. But the true power of the show is the chemistry of all the main characters and how they are portrayed. Matt Long is brilliant as Jack, the strong cool brother who still learns from Bobby (like when he helps his friend out by taking his job). Logan Lerman is superb as Bobby, the doesn't give a hoot what everyone else thinks kid who looks up to his brother and shows the ever amazing ideas that inspire to be more (like trying to start the space club with no support until Courtney becomes his ally). Christine Lahti is out of this world as Grace the mom, nothing needs to be said about how good a job she does. The rest of the cast is amazing in the support of this family. Their on screen chemistry takes the show by storm as every scene is good and the already well written plot is only amplified by the well done acting. Already given a second season, I hope to see this show go for a while. Please WB don't give up on this, it's just too good...
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